Writing Ourselves Whole

"Liberty is the right not to lie." - Camus via Califia

A blog about sexual healing, erotic writing, and the transformative power of words.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh -- the Pi is my new home...

... or could be.

It's 2:30am and we have to be on the road at 7, and still...

What a show -- so so many thanks to Shannon Blowtorch & Tara & Bennie at the Pi Bar. PEOPLE -- when you're in Minneapolis, get you to the Pi Bar. An amazing performance venue/bar/restaurant & music that will not let you get off the floor if the dancing is happening. Thank you Annie for the goodie bag!

Thank you Blowtorch & T. for the quarters & hospitality & tunes!

The Pi & the Twin-Cities Femme Mafia hosted V & I tonight for the third leg of the Body Heat tour -- Kathleen rested her ailing self for one more day and so we brought her CD & her words, as we did with Celestina's -- we miss you both!

We could not have been more welcomed and well-received here -- and next time I come, I'm getting that tater-tot hot dish, I tell you what.

THANK YOUs to our incredible special guests:
  • Mashinda, who brought Kathleen's opening poem into the room with a deep kind of ferocious energy that I SO hope you keep on rocking!!
  • Jess, a so-called virgin to the mic, so clear and comfortable up there on the stage, with pieces that tore my heart up in all the good ways...
  • Jamez, a sister-porn writer who shared his fierce poetry and strong, showering energy (and wonderful hugs!)
  • and yes, yes, Zakiya, whose fresh poetry nearly brought me to tears. I really want a copy of that one...

    Oh. What to do with so much shared energy, community -- with this exchange of words and power and space and love?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    We're off tomorrow, back down 35 to Columbia, for our postponed show -- hooray for the Rag Tag! This was a quick visit/reminder that up north here, winter lasts a long time... :)

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  • Tuesday, April 8, 2008

    We're coming to Minnesota!

    Thunderstorms in Columbia, MO this morning -- it's s gorgeous to be in the midwest in the spring!

    Today we're off to Minneapolis for our show up there, then tomorrow we head back down to Columbia for a postponed/rescheduled show here! The weather goddess conspired against us on Sunday: snow in Vail meant a slower start than we needed to comfortably make the originally-scheduled performance in Columbia, so we'll be coming back here for an earlier gig on Wednesday.

    Please send your good, healing thoughts to Kathleen, who is having to rest and sleep to recover from some sick!! Kathleen says to call this "The Sick C*ck Tour."

    Unfortunately, we *won't* be going to Milwaukee -- we hadn't heard that anyone had registered for our workshop there, and had to make the difficult decision to cancel that show! I really hope we can make it back there for the next tour!

    Things I want to remember to say:
    - there are cardinals in Missouri! I haven't heard them in years, and nearly cried when their strong song pealed through me yesterday at the Uprise Cafe (attached to the Rag Tag Theater, & a wonderful place for a femme on tour to sit outside & write).

    - Interstate-quick meetings with fathers can be good for the soul.

    - SO SO SO many thanks to: Meliza Benales, who BROUGHT THE HOUSE DOWN in SF; Lorelei Lee, our amazing SF show opener; and the gorgeous Miss Amelia Paradise, who strip-teased us up to the highest heights at the midpoint of the SF show.

    - We miss Celestina! Veronica brought her energy, her piece, to San Diego, & she's coming to Minnesota the same way...

    I miss F!, & I miss home, and I'm more excited about this trip than I can say. :)

    love love love -

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